Mobile Apps Development
 Windows Blackberry Cross P/F
Competitive Pricing
At iQ-Techlabs , we do more than just developing applications. We render cost effective mobile solutions that ensures highest return on your investment.
Proven Methodologies
We are extremely customer-focused in assisting our clients 24/7. We offer highest level of technical support by deploying world-class communication systems.
ISO 9001 Processes
The development processes implemented at iQ-Techlabs follows ISO 9001:2008 standards that ensures high-performance execution during the entire project cycle.
Seamless Communication
Our communication channels are open 24/7 that connects you with the right team of experts instantly to reduce complexity and enhance productivity of your project.
iPhone/iPad Apps Development
Inception of iPhone applications has rendered impeccable power and functionality to mobile phones and handheld devices. iPhone app development has become a staple of iQ-Techlabs business. In the last few years, there has been explosive growth in mobile apps, and, as a result, there's been a corresponding explosion in iPhone app development.

We at iQ-Techlabs, specialize in embodying exceptional functional capabilities in these gadgets by developing innovative and robust iPhone / iPad applications. With our in-depth knowledge of development processes, we deliver robust and comprehensive iPhone / iPad mobile applications catering to diversified business verticals.

At iQ-Techlabs, we boast of an in-house team of proficient and skilled iPhone developers who have proven expertise in developing cutting-edge iPhone / iPad mobile apps. Administering pre-defined logical approach and best practices our developers render business-centric iPhone and iPad mobile apps that satisfy the ever-increasing demands of our customers.

iPhone/iPad Apps Development
Android Apps Development
Android Apps Development
Android is the most dominant smartphone platform in the world. With over 1 billion (as of September 2013) activated devices in use today and a constant growth of around 900,000 activations per day, it is a platform that your company can not afford to ignore.

There are currently over 1 million apps available on the Google Play Store (as of May 2013), with download figures rising above 48 billion. Android apps development can generate a healthy ROI independently or help brands reach wider audiences. It also helps considerably to strengthen existing user relationships and convert new customers.

Smartphone and Tablet Development
If your business is looking to include Android development as part of its mobile strategy, it is imperative to ensure your chosen Android app developers have a solid understanding of the considerations required when building for the platform. iQ-Techlabs is a leading Android app development company and has great experience implementing scalable design and multiple device support, whilst our detail-oriented testing procedure ensures visual and performance consistency between the vast array of Android-enabled devices.

Multiple Device Support
There are currently over 11, 868 (as of July 2013) distinct different Android devices available to consumers. These devices come with different display sizes, performance specifications, and OS versions. With so many users spread across so many devices, we are able to deploy applications that take all these points into consideration and deliver the best all-round solution.

Windows 8 Mobile Apps Development
Windows Phone OS is the third most popular Mobile Operating System in the whole world with its easy to use interface, Innovative Live Tiles, Fast and Fluid Navigation between apps. When your business requires reliable custom Windows Phone applications, our company has everything you need.

You’ll get Windows phone apps that:
  • Make using an app on a Windows phone enjoyable
  • Are quick and high performing
  • Understand the users expectations
  • Operational by any user

We are able to use your ideas to plan and design the perfect Windows phone apps.

Key Points to Make Your Windows Phone App Successful
Windows phones and apps offer a way to get your business out in the mobile market. The leaders in the market know the features that users want that separate them from the rest. Success for your business Windows phone app will hinge on being able to tap into the wants and needs of potential users. They want an app that they can really use. One that serves an important purpose will go far. Comfortable use on a Windows phone platform makes all the difference in drawing in users, as well as retaining them. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Make it Comfortable
    Windows phones offer a variety of features that can compliment your business app. There is GPS, cameras, motion sensor capability and social network sharing. They all offer a different opportunity to grow the popularity of your app. Having the app work seamlessly with the natural abilities of the Windows phone is critical. It will be hard for you to market a Windows phone app that fails to load a map on request, if you offer geo-location. Details and performance are important.
  • Make it Useful
    Understanding the needs of your user will help create an app that they will want to come back to time and again. Whether it’s to play a game, or do some type of calculation, you want the visitor to use the app as often as possible. Provide the best value for the user that you are capable of.
  • Consistent Performance
    Performance reputation can do a lot to hurt or help your marketing of the Windows phone app. There is no way to ensure that your app will work 100%, all of the time. Having it perform consistently is the key. Shoot for the shortest load times possible. This will vary depending on the features you want to offer. Crashing and freezing are the worst things that can happen with your app. It means that there is too much going on. You might have too many graphics, or be attempting to offer too many features. Smooth performance is the goal.
  • Limit Ads
    There’s no way to offer a mobile app with no ads, but limit them to a few. Too many ads equal frustration for the user. Try and make them app appropriate ads to add value. In-app purchase opportunities and ads that deal primarily with the business they are accomplishing will be much more readily received.
  • Success Rate
    You’ll know that your app is a hit if you are getting a lot of downloads and continued usage. Another way to test how well it’s doing is an increase in e-commerce, or in-app purchases. This means that you are targeting your marketing well and getting the attention of the user. Keep track the use and market your app in the areas that are pulling current users in.
Windows 8 Mobile Apps Development
 Blackberry/J2ME Apps Development
Blackberry/J2ME Apps Development
iQ-Techlabs render plethora of blackberry business solutions by harnessing the maximum potential of MDS and Java Micro Edition (J2ME) development platforms. The feature-rich, business-centric mobile apps developed by iQ-Techlabs are highly scalable and robust, which enhances the way your business interacts with your target audience.

Our transparent approach towards the development lifecycle empowers us to execute competent and effective Blackberry / J2ME based mobile applications that improvise the productivity of your business, leveraging quick turnaround time, qualitative parameters and cost-effective services. We cater to the demands of your evolving business by providing high-performance Blackberry Services to supplement your mobile operations.

Cross-Platform Development
We blend the professional expertise of our html5 mobile app developers with innovative technology to deliver qualitative solutions that comply with international mobile development standards. The innovative thinking process, sheer dedication and in-depth knowledge of our HTML5 app developers yield responsive, robust and scalable HTML5 applications. Hire dedicated HTML5 app developers from iQ-Techlabs to enrich your mobile user-experience with rich features, elevated performance and latest technology trends.
Cross-Platform Development