Governance 2.0
Bespoke Development Education Healthcare Management Transport
Use of Information Technology by the Government
As the world is heading towards the modern age of science and technology, man is now finding ways to stay connected to the world using latest communication revelations made so far. We are no more in a Stone Age and internet and its benefits have taken over the world. There is no one probably who denies the benefits of technology and communication. Government sector has also included IT in different departments in order to develop a better sense of communication between citizens and officials. Several steps are being taken in this regard and projects are being implemented for the wealth and prosperity of the citizens. Special projects are under process in below mentioned fields:

E/m Governance
Information is the foundation of government. In last era, there is an unprecedented attention to the machinery of information in government, known as "electronic government." E-Governance is the one of the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to provide Government Services, communication transactions,exchange of information and services between Government and Citizens. Enabling e-governance results in:

  • Good governance
  • Trust and Accountability
  • Citizen's welfare
  • Democracy
  • Nation's economic growth

Objectives can be achieved by:
  • Expanding the access to knowledge through e-libraries.
  • Bridging rural-urban divide by forming ICT centers in particularly smaller cities and towns.
  • Standardized information about public services through call centers and text messages.
  • Wide penetration of cell phones in all areas of interest to seek feedback from citizens and increase citizen’s engagement.

As a first step, the government is developing websites rated to all departments of government "mobile compliant"; and developing mobile apps for government sector.
M-governance is playing a vital role in healthcare but in this regard, private companies are more active and a big push is required to enhance efforts at government level. The effort is to make it applicable on each smartphone in the developing society.
E/m Governance

Following efforts are being implemented in education sector:
Mobile Learning
Mobile learning apps are expected to be improved in the next year that is great source of "distinct education". Group chats and conference meeting make a group study stress free.

Technology for flipped-learning
The rationale behind the flipped class, a method of education in which the students watch online or on board videos, lectures either in class or at home just to make the student realize the beneficial way of using their devices, is to engage learners in and out of the classroom. This approach makes the students learn the lesson in an environment full of fun. Actually a student only gains the root of the concept when he is enjoying it. If you are pressurizing him to pour the lesson into his mind, then you are doing nothing but wasting energy.

Experts are agreed that flipped class rooms are far away better than the older LMS (learning management system) as the videos/lectures enhance the interactivity. Analytics should also be recorded so as to measure the students’ interests and adopting those respective modes.

Device agnostic learning
Teachers are always looking for new creative ways to get students' talent to flow. In 2013, Mackey Mackey setup people’s mind that they can turn every object into a KEYPAD and search then. It is expected that more electronic tools will be emerging just like digital dictionaries, digital diaries and much more that are changing and molding the educational trends.

  1. The Internet has become a marvelous source of medical information.in 2004; a survey conducted showed that of 8 million senior users, 66% said they searched online medication. It was increased to 24 million in 2009. Most of them just searched the symptoms and didn’t go for the cure. Now days, doctors are available at their online portals and a little effort can save much time.
  2. Healthcare facilities can be available for patients using social media. Online Healthcare units can be developed that can answer to the questions of the queries and guiding the patients further. Smartphone apps can also serve the purpose providing the patients with complete address and contacts of the doctors.
  3. Better treatment and less suffering is no more a dream. Better machines are adopted increasing the recovery chances.
  4. Information technology can make database more reliable. Doctors and nurses can have hand-held devices that record the patient’s data. All the test reports could be updated electronically. Software implementation to maintain the previous records of the patients that could make the patients understand their operation records.
  5. Online study portal could be provided for doctors that could advance their studies while staying at their hospitals during their job. Information could be provided for simple diseases like flu so that patients could adopt a self-cure.

Government Management
Strategy Principles
To bring this transformation, the strategy is made up of four overarching principles:
  1. An "Information-Centric" approach, moving from managing "documents" to management of discrete data, shared, secured, and presented in the best way for the consumer.
  2. A "Shared Platform" approach that will help to work together within and across agencies, to reduce expenses, streamline development, apply consistent standards, and will ensure consistency in delivering information.
  3. A "Customer-Centric" approach that will Influence to create, manage, and present data through websites, useful mobile applications, other raw data sets and modes of delivery, and allows customers to shape, share and utilize information.
  4. A platform of "Security and Privacy" that will ensure this innovation will take place in a manner that ensures the safe and secure delivery and use of digital services, protecting information and data.

Global Positioning System (GPS)
Embedded GPS systems in vehicles' on-board units (OBUs, a common term used fortelematics devices) receive accurate data from satellite to determine vehicle's position. This uses line of sight to satellites, which can inhibit use of GPS in mostly downtown settings due to "urban canyon" effects. Location is determined with an error minimized up to 10%. Most of the countries use OBUs to determine the mileage covered by vehicles to calculate the finance expenses and transport fee, even in local transport vehicles.

Wireless Networks
Wireless networks can also communicate with the vehicles, just like internet connection but has low accuracy as it works within few hundred meters. This range can be increased. South Korea is working on WiBro that works on WiMax and utilizes wireless networks for interconnection and traffic control for local transport.

Mobile Telephony
Mobile networks (3G or 4G worth mentioning) a major source to provide info along road sides.

Roadside Camera Recognition
Camera- or tag-based schemes can be useful in charging along roadsides as in different countries. Cameras can be placed at places where people or leave a particular area. The cameras involveAutomatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR), depending on Optical Character Recognition(OCR) technology, to recognize vehicle license plates; this information is provided digitally to the back-office servers who can pass it on and drivers may be charged at the congestion zone.