Limitless Thoughts, Passionate Actions.
Mobile Apps Development
iPhone/iPad | Android | Windows | Blackberry | Cross-Platform
Enterprise Solutions
SAP | Oracle | Microsoft
Bespoke Development | Software | IT Infrastructure

About iQ-Techlabs
iQ-Techlabs has been founded by iMAX Technologies senior Mobile Application architects, having 35 man years of exp. Based out of New Delhi & Chennai, India the division has been founded in Sep 2010.
  • We are primarily an offshore development center for many IT marketing companies in UAE, US & UK.
  • We believe in delivering top quality mobile solutions to our clients on the best technologies.
  • Our team comprises of top notch developers, UX experts, Quality Analysts and Graphic designers.
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Our Expertise
We provide our expertise in following areas:

Mobile Applications
iPhone/iPad Apps Development, Android Mobile Apps Development, Blackberry Apps Development, Windows 8 Apps Development.

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Enterprise Solutions
We also provide Enterprise solutions to organizations in SAP, Oracle and Microsoft Navison.

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Our services ranges from Bespoke Development, Software Services to IT Infrastructure Services.

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Mobile learning apps are expected to be improved in the next year that is great source of "distinct education". Group chats and conference meeting make a group study stress free.
The Internet has become a marvelous source of medical information.in 2004; a survey conducted showed that of 8 million senior users, 66% said they searched online medication. It was increased to 24 million in 2009.
Information is the foundation of government. In last era, there is an unprecedented attention to the machinery of information in government, known as "electronic government." E-Governance is the one of the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to provide.
Transport & Parking
Embedded GPS systems in vehicles' on-board units (OBUs, a common term used fortelematics devices) receive accurate data from satellite to determine vehicle's position. This uses line of sight to satellites, which can inhibit use of GPS in mostly downtown settings due to "urban canyon" effects.